flesh tactics, 2024 > statement

Through narrative text and allegorical surfaces, my work is an exploration of inherent worldly violence— a confrontation with the ways in which corporeality and consent are mediated, manipulated, or ultimately constrained. Through a lens of memory, I examine the peril of bodily contingencies— the precariousness of flesh that is always on the brink of demolition. In this destruction, language acts as a weapon— an instrument of authority that dictates consent. Through an abstract engagement with these mechanisms of violence, there expands an interrogation of not only our belief systems, but a psychic reconfiguring of the structures that shape our complacencies around violence and consent.

In a reclaimant act of confrontation with the frameworks we create around consent, the intersection of surface, scale, and text becomes an active site of resistance and transformation. This work is an invitation to reflect on the role of violence in shaping dominant structures and to reconsider our willingness to accept the conditions of existence as dictated by external forces. It is a call to question our own complicity in the systems of belief that shape our lives—and to ask, ultimately, whether we will continue to abide by them.

flesh tactics